February 20, 2012
Where Lessig sees evil branching out
from a root cause, I see a network of CHAIN_DRIVE
tangled, self-reinforcing problems.
The right attack may need to
be a manifold attack. And it may need to be a long campaign...
play deeper than the bad guys, who
We (you know, *us*, the good almost by definition are short-sighted.
guys) don't do united fronts
terribly well. Maybe we THE_LONG_WATCH
need to accept that? I sometimes feel like
Lessig is an odd
You've got to work with newbie at political
what you are... activism. He might
have spent a little
more time studying
the history of
methods of achieving
political reform...
The Problem Net...
Big media owned
by the bad guys. Media consolidation,
post-96 (Al Gore is
still proud of this). Distracted, half-awake
electorate brainwashed
by the drum beat, in
spite of themselves.
School system starved
for funding, weak
education => populace
easier to manipulate. Information asymmetry:
the parasites have more
A cultural malaise: we incentive to know
expected congress to be what's happening than
corrupt, we expect the hosts.
corporations to lie,
complaining about it MURDERER_IN_CHIEF
seems naive, pointless.
Possibility that the
"free market" notion
that money can do no
wrong undercuts any
demands for any sort
of integrity.