April 11, 2007
Computer Geeks argue endlessly with each other
about the virtues of different computer languages,
programming methodologies and so on.
These arguments revolve around anecdotes
and hand-waving to the point where many CASE_STUDY_1
people dismiss them as "religious arguments".
And yet, these are about subjects of much practical
significance. Someone planning a large software project
is about to invest a large sum of money on a scheme whose
success is far from certain. Any technique of minimizing
that risk would be extremely valuable.
I hereby propose that experiments should
be conducted to settle these questions.
What is needed for this is a number of teams of
volunteer programmers all willing to work on an
assigned problem in parallel with each other, with
each team using a different technique of solution.
You take the results of these teams efforts, and then
repeat the experiment with new teams, until you get
enough data for statistical significance.
Coming up with controlled experiments to (March 6, 2004)
measure qualities such as "maintability" would
certainly not be trivial, but it's not beyond
the resources of a large university.
To get things started, it would be enough to
have a single interdisciplinary partnership
between two professors, one in computer science
and one in psychology. My presumption is that
they would have access to a pack of student
volunteers willing to play guinea pigs in
return for senior project credit.
Many claims are made about software languages,
it would seem that if you were a "computer
scientist" you would be interested in trying to
experimentally verify some of the claims.
We've been hearing about how Java
code is more maintainable for about
a decade now, and massive amounts of
industry investment has been made in How many Java projects
that language. Wouldn't you think tend to die on the vine,
that someone would be interested in versus Perl projects?
investigating how maintainable it
really is? Wouldn't that be
worth knowing?
Among perl programmers
it's a truism that you
need more Java programmers
than perl to accomplish
the same task. You hear
factors ranging from 3-10.
Wouldn't it be worth
knowing what the number
really is?
(March 14, 2007)
"But it's exceptionally difficult
to measure software developer
productivity, for all sorts of
famous reasons." -- Steve Yegge
I think the main reason is
that no one tries to do it.
Except for maybe: