September 16, 2021
Rev: November 18, 2021
The always problematic NextDoor-- which
has always been an excellent place to
lower your opinion of your neighbors-- Or, maybe it's doing something
had me wondering if it had adopted a more complicated, like
dubious solution to it's problems, using temporarily hiding potentialy
censorship of hot button topics to keep controversial threads?
things more in the happy-happy zone.
Or maybe I can't figure
There was a pretty big shooting incident on our out their latest "design".
street last night-- some heavy artillary was
sprayed down the street, clipping our house, At the bottom of a post,
taking down the power lines, and hitting one the "there are 38
guy sitting in a car in the back of the head-- comments!" is *not* a
he's critically injured, but weirdly might link to the comments.
actually survive. You need to scroll up
and click on the subject
This morning I checked around the various news heading... and that link
outlets in the area and was unsurprised to find is *not* the first line,
nothing at all-- local news coverage these days but the second, and the
is remarkably weak, and by Oakland standards underline on it is
this was only a medium-scale shooting incident. hidden until you
mouse-over which seems
A quick look at NextDoor also showed nothing in remarkably unclear on
particular, which I found surprising-- NextDoor, the concept: it tells
back in the days when I all but gave up on it, you you're in the right
was inhabited by a nervous-nellie ultra-nimby place only after you
crowd that loved nothing better than to start find it.
"was that gunfire!?" threads every time someone
blew off some fireworks.
I asked around and found that
there was some discussion there And now, checking again several
last night, but for some reason days later, I see the message I
it's visibility was erratic, I expected to see... but I don't
didn't see the thread at first. think I can find the thread I
participated in afterwards.
But you know, never
This is the kind of conundrum that's facing attribute to malice what
the net as a whole just now: you can use a can easily be explained
quiet "moderation" strategy to keep the by Javascript.
idiots from dominating a discussion, but
instead of talking it out in public they end
up feeling isolated-- and they could easily
end up feeling angry about having their
voices supressed. They go off grumbling
about "free speech", looking around for
another outlet, a more underground discussion Putting our social
group. You personally may find that an discourse in the hands
improvement, but the crazies are much less of untrained,
likely to get someone pushing back, and unregulated and (one
may get even crazier... suspects) underpaid
"moderators" is a
situation ripe for
generating paranoia...
though, in this case it
might be *my* paranoia.