October 30, 2001
James Howard Kunstler --
"The Geography of Nowhere" (1993)
A book full of anti-car,
anti-suburbia ranting little
of which I have any objection
to, though it leaves me
wondering (as I often do)
"who is the intended audience Looking back to the
of this book?" introduction to the
book, I see that he
Is it intended to persuade? does admit that this
Who? He provides support for is a sermon for the
some of his points, but much of choir:
it is just matter-of-opinion.
Is isn't likely to impress "I had a hunch that many other
someone who's psyched people find their surroundings as
themselves up to love suburban distressing as I do my own, yet I
"convenience", or someone sensed too that they lack the
who's convinced themselves that vocabulary to understand what is
suburbia is "what people want", wrong with the places they ought
and any opposition is mere elitism... to know best. That is why I
wrote this book." p.10
A suburbanoid might find
some points here to raise
some doubts, but they'll Okay, fair enough.
find it tough sledding to Maybe I lacked some
get to them. of this vocabulary
back in 1993 (or
(So maybe I should give that maybe not). Maybe
"persuasion" project a try there are some who
myself, huh?) still do.
But something about this attitude
seems a little depressing: an
acknowledgement that you can't
address the other side;
they're just not listening.
All you can do is firm up the
position of someone who
already agrees with you...