June 7-16, 2013
It's remarkably funny after awhile,
watching Kim Stanley Robinson-- a
very intelligent, well-informed guy-- This is remarkable because
struggling with the fact that the KSR is hardly technophobic:
logic of the situation points in a e.g. he recognizes that we
direction he really, really, doesn't have no choice at this point
want to go: nuclear power. but to consciously engineer
Throughout his 40/50/60 series of the biosphere.
novels, he ignores it in places,
grudgingly mentions it in others, One of the solutions they
then forgets he mentioned it. work on is binding atmospheric
carbon using a genetically
Consider: when the main character modified lichen.
is talking to someone working with
the nuclear navy, he asks about the THE_HERETIC
possibility of using nuclear
submarines as portable, emergency
power plants. He's told that it's
quite doable, in fact they've done
things like that before.
Near the close of the story, they've begun
working on a number of emergency terraforming
hacks to try to combat the rising sea level.
One of the more promising ones is a project
where they begin pumping seawater up on land
in Antarctica, essentially building up the
southern ice pack again.
This whole operation is supposed
to be powered by *solar cells*--
which they admit will only
function 6-months out of the year.