December 02, 2002
Rev: July 16, 2006
Rev: January 19, 2007
The appeal of the submissive to the timid...
I've often remarked on
the sheer quantity of
traffic in
That says something to me
about the prevalence of Of course, it also
the "asian fetish". says something
about the huge
I'm inclined to look population of
at this and make Asian people.
arch comments:
At least some of
Small, submissive, that newsgroup's
child-like women: traffic looks like
Japanese product
Completely unthreatening, for local
just what most guys seem consumption.
to be after.
Most men really are
relatively timid
creatures, though
they're required
to make a pretense
of aggressiveness.
Ah, but what kind of fool engages
in remote psychoanalysis based
on patterns in pornography?
Sneering at what I percieve as
timidity may be me showing my
own little streak of fascism:
Why doesn't everyone
like what I do? (Specifically: I have
nothing against
There must be something pictures of asian
wrong with them. women, but why not an
occasional Dragon
Woman dominatrix?
Play with ethnic
sterotypes if you
like, but why just one
of them?)