This is a dead page, the live version is here:
December 10, 2006
February 18, 2007
(December 11, 2005)
My "Asian Fetish" is doing fine,
thank you, running at about 15% ORIENTAL_TWIST
normal for American white guys.
Treating human beings
as human beings isn't
a bad ideal; but if we
can't quite manage
that, maybe valuing
The Other as "exotic"
is better than fearing VIETNAMESE_MUSIC
it as The Unknown.
Being regarded as (February 18, 2007)
"cute" because of your
ethnic background is Would it be better if we
better than being were culture blind?
regarded as scary or
evil, or perhaps Must we see all
"inscrutable". cultures as the same,
neither good or bad?
It's not a color-blind
utopia, but it's better Avoiding prejudice
than nothing, and may should not require that
very well be a step in we abandon judgement.
that direction.
You can make a similar case
for the current image of the
gay male couple in pop culture:
they tend to be treated as GROOVEN_IMAGES
comic figures.
It's not a position of
respect, but it's
perhaps a step toward
A contrary take:
A Bay Guardian writer
sneers at people who
think a J-pop girl A bit from Miya Masaoka's
band's broken english is "What's the Difference Between
cute or sensual -- Stripping and Playing the
It seems an odd thing
to complain about: J-pop The voice of a male asian
girl groups typically sex worker muses about
play the cute card with "broken english" calls where
a capital C, it's not customers want an "oriental"
exactly something imposed to role-play ignorance of
from without... English. Would it be best
to turn these down?
You might claim it's
a pernicious example
of pandering to a market,
but do you really want to
get in the business of The idea that you're going
dictating what personal to *erase* these kinds of
style an asian woman is associations by finger-
allowed to use? waggling -- good luck.
My guess: you'll
drive the fetishes
underground, and
make them stronger.