May 7, 2012
There's a continual irritation
for me in reading Hiroki Azuma's "Oatku Japan's
work-- the phenomena he discusses Database Animals" (2001)
is *New*! This is the brave new by Hiroki Azuma
realm of the postmodern, and the
Old is the merely modern era OTAKU_BASE
where The Author reigned supreme.
But doesn't the still older
world of folktale and myth
have some similarities to this And what about the world of
new realm he's describing? Is pulp fiction of the 20s and 30s?
the postmodern then a Or the superhero of American comic
resurgence of the premodern? books? Or Victorian popular
fiction such as the Gothic Novel?
Azuma doesn't address the Isn't Azuma just talking about
issue: his history streches genre?
back no farther than the
postmodern grand narrative Weirdly enough, he later begins
of The Decline of the Grand discussing the tropes of the
Narrative. locked-room mystery genre--
as imported into the Japanese
But I'm resolving to "light novel" form. (p.57)
ignore this irritation
for now: I suspect He then insists that
it's a distraction there's a difference
from what Azuma is good though: the new writer's
at: a history of the are just playing with
rise of the Otaku the tropes, unconcerned
esthetic from the 90s on. with puzzle fiction
But actually, that's a transistion
that American detective fiction
started going through in the 1930s.