May 7, 2012
The concept of "moe" is
central to this subject, "Oatku Japan's
and yet Azuma clarifies From the new preface: Database Animals" (2001)
very little: he just "moe" was voted a by Hiroki Azuma
presumes you know what buzzword of the year
it's about already. in 2005; and Azuma
calls it a "keyword
Trying to infer of the present volume".
a meaning from
his usage would
be next to
moe-characters LOLITA_MOE
with moe-elements
satisfy a moe
desire, by
stimulating moe From the visual examples
within the otaku you can confirm that it A reasonable inference
brain. (p.47/48) has something to do with would be that "moe"
exaggerated cartoons of evolved and expanded
cute young women. in meaning from that
stage. Azuma does not
discuss this.
The translator's footnote
presents a story I hadn't
heard before: as we all
know "moe" stems from a Evidently it was
Japanese word for some sort of pun on
"budding"; but they claim budding and burning,
that this originally ala a burning desire
referred to being the for (images of?)
stalks of hair sticking budding young girls.
up like budding plants...
This strikes me as one of
the most transparent
cover stories I've ever
heard. But it is true
that Azuma's examples of
cute cartoon girls do
involve features like
"antenna hair".
On sexuality, Azuma is
similarly unenlightening:
he takes it as a given
that otaku sexuality is
actually quite The press occasionally likes to talk
"conservative", despite about some male otakus expressing
being inundated in the opinion that they don't need
perverted imagery of real women, they have their figurine
various sorts (p.88). collection (and I would guess, some
other toys).
Actual pedophile otakus
are very rare, he says, I have my doubts that the
and I believe him, but American otaku would be
that's the sort of interested in similar
thing one would like to vows of celibacy.
see a stat on (I would
suppose that there's a Dangerbaby points out that
difficulty in precisely the local cosplay kids
quantifying who have a similar vibe to the
qualifies as an otaku). "Rocky Horror" crowd from
the early 80s.
His explanation for why this would
be just strikes me as dubious
gibble-gabble... something to the
effect of the exposure to perverted
material producing a conditioned
sexual response. Okay, but then,
why not conditioned sexual actions?