May 10, 2012
Azuma talks a lot about "Oatku Japan's
the modern world with Database Animals" (2001)
it's one central grand by Hiroki Azuma
One might wonder what "modern
world" he's talking about.
Did Thomas Jefferson have
the same grand narrative
as Alexander Hamilton?
Did William Jennings Bryan
share a grand narrative
with Charles Darwin?
If you insist that those are
early harbingers of the
postmodern era, I'm going to ask
you about, say, Manicheans and
Zoroastrians, and if that's too
early, I'm sure we could find
some other interesting disputes
to discuss in any period of the
never ending cacophany of history
that you name.
The idea that there's just *one*
fundamental, favored understanding
of the world all throughout the
modern era would seem to be a
gross exaggeration.
It might be argued that the modern
era was characterized by a belief in So then, we're comparing
the *possibility* of an underlying a drive towards the
truth, a belief that we might find center that never
one central narrative, without quite connects to a drive
knowing what it is. to query every item
in the database which
never completes...