February 4, 2015
December 16, 2014
While I was trying to reproduce a feat of
brilliance from many a year ago, I actually
got the name of the puzzle wrong, and hence EIGHT_QUEENS
felt completely confused about what was going
on: instead of the 8 queens problem, I thought
it was the 9 queens problem. Now, there *is* IN_THE_IRON_MASK
an 9 queens problem that I must've heard about MEMORY
at some point, and that was probably the source
of the confusion, but it's completely different,
it allows addition of one or more pawns.
A little bit of thought should've
shown that what I was trying to
remember couldn't possibly have This did not stop me from
involved 9 queens-- it's a complete trying to reason out a way
impossibility. this impossibility might be
accomplished: "hm, could it
My false memory had me completely be there's room in the
tangled up, I didn't tumble to the middle of this square for
obvious until after a long process one more queen?"
of going back and forth through
the logic.
I carefully worked this out, to
convince myself I'd made no mistake:
Every piece must have a row and column,
Every queen attacks along one row and one column.
Doubling a queen in either a row or a column
would have them attacking each other.
There are only 8 rows, and 8 columns.
A fine example of plodding, laborious
thinking, the precise opposite of the
intuitive leap I wanted to talk about.