September 12, 2012
September 13, 2013
The puzzle is described in
Here I'm talking about the solutions.
Actually, there are multiple solutions,
I have no idea how many. (In these days
drowning in computation, I expect that
someone must know, if only by exhausting
all permutations.)
This particular solution makes sense
after you've seen it: there's a way of
thinking about knights as "anti-queens":
They're the pieces that can move to the nearest
locations that queens can't move to. The knight is
the only piece that can attack a queen without also
being threatened by the queen; the knight has the
ability to "sneak up" on even a queen, which is one
reason for the effectiveness of the "knight fork"
(moving a knight into position where it attacks two
pieces simultaneously, making it impossible to just
"run away").
The symmetric solution I found is like so:
You arrange the queens in a square, but a square
with sides that aren't parallel to the board, so
that each queen is (at least) one knight move away
from the other.
| | | | | Q | | | |
| | | Q | | | | | |
| Q | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | q | |
| | Q | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | q |
| | | | | | q | | |
| | | | q | | | | | This diagonally twisted
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ square of queens can't
be a perfect square, or
Interestingly (to me) there are two some would end up
groups of queens that are each placed a sharing horizontals
night move apart within the group, but and verticals. By the
the nearest points of contact of the two problem statement,
groups are shifted further away than each queen must have
that, one horizontal and one vertical. it's own rank and file.
And the two groups are themselves L-shaped,
suggesting some sort of meta-knight move, OVER_EIGHT
constructed of 3 knight moves.