April 13, 1992
Given the idea that women
are somehow inherently
intuitive, non-rational,
what is the ideal role
of women in society?
One answer might be And Fritz Leiber's
Sterling's _Islands in _Conjure Wife_?
the Net_. His female
protagonist is an
executive manager, a He accuses her of
"people" person. Her being blind to the actual
husband is more potential of the technology
interested in the of a sub-culture they're
technical side of studying together. From his
things. point of view, he's doing the
real work.
If you buy the maternal
instinct business, then
why wouldn't women be
an ideal choice for Why is it that the
any managment position? actual roles don't
seem consistent
Other possibilites with the sterotypes
artistic in this case?
creative Other aspects
writers need(ed) to be
and so on? challenged: women
as weaker.
What occupation is
an intuitive style
*not* suited for?
Especially considering the
possible roles of teamwork,
pairing an intuitive and
an analytic character.
So that's one:
a culture with a policy of This would start
assigning couples to a job, as the policy
rather than individuals. of a single
Presumption of team work, company.
Typically, a male-female,
analytic-intuitive pairing.
But not necessarily?
Gender inversions allowed?
(Or if not allowed,
switch handled
undercover, internal
to the two-unit...)
Married work-couples might Home life no longer an
be common. What if you're escape from work.
not married? Might you
not wind up "assigned" into Possible conflicts Vauge assoc.
an only semi-voluntary unit? between a work-pairing Poul Anderson's
and a marriage-pairing. "The Saturn
Pressures to marry early Game"
for business purposes?
Widows/widowers forced
to adopt a new partner
A taboo *against* marrying
somone you have too much
in common with.
(possibilities of
business work?)
So, for fiction purposes there
are possibilites here, precisely
because the practicalities are
so hard to work out.