November 23, 2013
Given just a glimpse of the thinking of the
"moon landing was faked" crowd, I think I
can fill-in an outline of the theory:
The cold war moon race turned out to be
a tough problem to crack on time, so They claim that the
the decision was made to just fake it: backgrounds of the lunar
release some blurry slowed down films photography look wrong:
shot in Nevada, and call it done. stars should be visible.
But direct sunlight on the
Your first objection is likely to be moon would be *really*
that this conspiracy would require far bright-- I have no trouble
too many people to be in on it. believing that stars
wouldn't show up on the
But consider that the claims are images-- but then, I have no
somewhat adjustable, and can be direct experience with this,
narrowed down to reduce the scale do I?
of the deception somewhat.
If you object that your Dad went down to
Florida to watch a Saturn V launch, the
adroit C.T. can concede that Saturn Vs
were real, and that the space mission
hardware worked up-to-a-point. Perhaps
the Apollo 8 mission (just orbiting the
moon and returning) was the real deal,
but the actual landing was too tricky to
pull off reliably, and rather than risk
it, they simplified the program for Apollo 11
and just made it another Apollo 8, with
faked the telemetry for part of the mission.
If you think about it at all, you need to
concede that it's certainly true that any
evidence we have for the Apollo 11 moon
landing is fairly indirect (except, of
course, for the crew who actually did it).
The interesting thing here (if anything is) is:
(a) why haven't these people realized before
that this is true of almost everything?
Indirect evidence abounds, direct experience
is rare.
(b) why is it that the moon landing is the
historical event that they've seized on to
apply their radical skepticism?