December 18, 2013
I'm going to call this the Standard Model
for what happened in the JFK assassination,
(as opposed to the Serious Model, which is WEAK_HEADS
a joke):
There were bullets fired from two
directions: in or near the Book
Repository; and up on the Grassy
Knoll, behind the picket fence.
The Knoll fired first, possibly
missing with the first shot, then
hitting JFK in the throat, and then
the front-right side of the head, A possible total of five
exiting in the rear-left. A shot shots vs the Warren
from the Book Repository hit commission's three.
Connolly. Another Repository shot
apparently missed, hitting the curb (Why the uncertainty? The
far up ahead. police radio audio recording
should settle it, right?)
The medical staff at the Parkland
Hospital that saw the body immediately
afterwards described the exit wound on A later investigation
the rear-left side of the head: so, ordered by Congress
we're driven to the conclusion that in the mid-70s found
the photos in the Warren Commission that the Warren
report were faked (flipped negatives, Commission got it
some other corpse?). wrong, and there was
in fact a conspiracy.
It does seem significant that
this second investigation
seems to have fallen (or been
pushed?) down the memory hole.
Soon after the killing, Oswald TALE_OF_TWO_TALES
was arrested for it, and shortly
afterwards Jack Ruby shot and
killed him, going to jail and dying There are details in the saga
of cancer a few years later. that I don't know what to do
with, but don't think I care.
o Jack Ruby's motivations
o Oswald: shooter, patsy
or bystander?
So who killed Kennedy?
I lean towards blaming a
CIA/mob/anti-Castro faction. UR_CONSPIRACY
Possible goals include ASSASSINATION_DON
getting an enemy of the CIA
out of office, and provoking The Oliver Stone notion that LBJ was
an invasion of Cuba. in on it, and the actual goal was
ramping up the Vietnam War, has
always seemed like a stretch.
People who prefer blaming
everything on the left often
pick a Soviet/pro-Castro faction. That also seems like a
stretch: wreckless
action for little gain.