November 6, 2001
Rev: August 5, 2007 (toned down the
'tarian stuff mildly)
A constant refrain of the
Usually the context is opposition to
fossil fuels. "We are running out of
them" and hence must abandon their use
My problem with "sustainability":
how do you know what you can
It presumes that you're going to restrict
yourself to what you know you can do, but Before you can experiment
none of us really knows what that is. with a new technique, you
will be required to show
it can scale up and be used
everywhere forever after?
But niche techniques
But let's say in principle are okay for niche
we agree that oil/coal applications --
should be phased out.
How do you do that? And a "niche"
might be defined
(1) Look for subsidies, by temporal
and remove them. restrictions.
(2) Estimate "externalities"
(damage inflicted on the world
not included in the price) and And I've always liked
add taxes to compensate. the emissions trading
And then you let the market
do it's stuff. The "fossils" But I've yet to see
get more expensive, people evidence of "cap and
start scouting around for trade" working with the
other things to use, and usual political process.
gradually a shift happens
to some other power sources. Wouldn't you expect
the cap to always
There's no reason to be set higher than
assume that these it should be?
other sources will
meet the greenies (And any
definition of opportunity
"sustainable". to pay for
what you don't
Currently the way need has a way
we do things is a of being
juggling act. Is the "juggling exploited as
act" sustainable? a money
We use what we've laundering
got, when it scheme.)
starts to get Does sustainability
scarce, the price imply stasis?
starts to go up,
so we start
looking to using
something else.
Try this scenario:
Going cold We use energy from fossil fuels to get
turkey on coal a low-earth orbit industrial rev going,
isn't likely to and beam massive amounts of solar energy
be a great idea. down from power sats, which in turn can
be used for future space development.
(But then,
getting off Is it "sustainable" to use the fossil
the junk fuels to get to that point?
certainly Whether you buy
is.) this particular I have more reservations
scenario isn't these days about solar
that important. power satellites than
I used to: I worry about
The point is that the reliability of
there may be gossamer thin devices
regions you can subjected to a constant
pass through that rain of micro-meteorites.
look unsustainable,
in order to get to And while bringing
somewhere without down lauch costs to
limits. a level where we
can experiment with
these devices seems
doable, it's clear
that NASA isn't
going to do it.