May     31, 2010
                                             October 27, 2013
Reading through the dialog "Gorgias",
trying to grasp the taxonomy that Plato
is working up (without whining *too*         MISSING_BODY
much about all the absurd leaps)...

Now he's got "tiring"
as opposed to the "gymnastic"...                 "tiring"?  What the hell
                                                 was he really saying?
"... tiring, in like manner, is a flattery
which takes the form of gymnastic, and is                 ALL_GREEK
knavish, false, ignoble, illiberal,
working deceitfully by the help of lines,
and colours, and enamels, and garments,
and making men affect a spurious beauty to
the neglect of the true beauty which is
given by gymnastic."

  Now I get (but don't agree                                            
  with) this distinction between      The core often has no medium      
  decoration and the core--           except these extraneous           
                                      "decorations", paint may either be     
  But I don't follow what he          a device to hide rust and rot (or      
  means by false exercise...          a method of protecting against it)     
                                      or the medium of the sublime.          
  I can imagine what a false exercise                                       
  would be-- something easy to do that                                 
  makes you feel like you're working                                   
  without much benefit-- but this                                      
  doesn't seem to be what he's getting
  at with his mere "tiring".

  Exhaustion?  Maybe repititious drilling?          So "tiring" = exhausting
                                                    physical labor, i.e.
  (Hard work without any variety of motion          not white collar (white
  might be a kind of false exercise.)               robe?) enough for Plato?
