December 13, 2002
Rev: August 10, 2004
If you're the kind of person
who thinks that all that free
jazz stuff is boring, that it
all just blends together into
noodly wanking...
Well, those are fighting words,
but I've got to be nice to y'all
because I've been there.
I used to be the kind of person
who sneered at improvised music NEWTHINGS
because "all sax solos sound the same".
But they just don't.
John Gilmore just doesn't sound
that much like John Coltrane, (In spite of the acknowledged
and they in turn do not sound influence Gilmore -- one of the
that much like Jack Wright, who main sax players for the Sun Ra
in turn does not sound much like Arkestra -- had on Coltrane.)
any of the folks from ROVA, who
in turn, do not sound much
like Dan Plonsey, and so on...
I was at a performance of a
John Cage piece over at
Berkeley a few years ago,
that involved literally "Ocean", I think,
hundreds of musicians with the Merce
scattered around the tiers Cunningham dance
of an indoor stadium, ensemble.
playing different
instruments largely as they
liked. (the score
specified only
when a muscian
It dawned on me after should play,
awhile that I was with given
listening to Dan envelopes of
Plonsey honking away duration for
off to my right, each note).
nearly on the other
side of the stadium.
I could pick out a familiar
sax against a background of
a hundred musicians, at least
a dozen of them sax players.