October 17, 1999
Rev: July 4, 2004
One of the few things I do do on
the-scene-without-a-name (outside IMP_PERVERSE
of acting as a consumer), is to
organize an annual event at KZSU,
the Stanford radio station, I usually describe it
called "The Day of Noise". as "24 hours dedicated
to live, improvised sounds".
In recent years, a young fellow who usually
goes by the name of Smurph has volunteered
as audio engineer and general partner in
An excerpt from
During one event, Matt Ingalls was this appears on the
performing solo, blowing hard and complex KZSU live CD.
things on the clarinet. When he finished
I was supposed to start a tape for him.
Smurph was in the control room, talking
to me about something while Matt was Some insider jargon:
performing in the adjoining studio. Main control room: "Studio A"
(A window looks out on this studio Adjoining performance space:
from the control room.) "Outer A".
I held up a hand to interrupt Smurph, The KZSU
and turned to look through the window "record label"
at Matt Ingalls: is now called
"Outer A Records".
Me: "This seems promising
Smurph: "Huh? What?"
Me: "Well, he wants me to start
this tape when he finishes."
Then Matt brought the piece to a close,
looking up and nodding at me at the
same time, and I started the tape.
Smurph was really impressed by
this. He said something about
how I have a "really good ear", I sometimes tell this
and that he had no idea that story to "outsiders"
the piece was going to end. who are skeptical
that there's anything
The point here is not of value in the music.
that my ears are all that
amazing, but that even It's a small piece of
someone like Smurph, objective evidence
who's definitely that the insiders
interested in unusual hear something there
music actually couldn't that the outsiders don't.
hear what was going on.
His ear was sympathetic, Maybe you just haven't
but not experienced. picked up on it yet,
you know?
(Smurph's musical
interests seem to
grow out of punk I don't really think of myself
rock and perhaps as someone with a lot of
electronic/industrial musical knowledge: I've taken
noise bands. no classes in music theory, I
Improvised jazz read about music only
and so on are occasionally, and I wouldn't
relatively recent claim that I know how to play
interests.) any instrument beyond the rank
beginner stage... But evidentally
I've picked up something in the
years of listening...
So that's a barrier that needs
to be overcome. Being able to
"get it" usually requires an
immersion in different kinds of
sound art for years. This
amount of attention is most
often -- though not solely -- CATCH_5_7_TIME
found in musicians.
And this has a lot to do
with the small audience
sizes for the typical show of --
A counter-example: