November 7, 2011

  Sartre's "In Search of Method" (1963),
  translated by Hazel M. Barnes (paper ed.)   SEARCH_FOR_A_SEARCH

  In essence this is a survey and
  critique of other Marxist
  intellectuals, only occasionally                 The extant description of
  using the conceit that what's under              this book on wikipedia
  discussion is a set of "methods".                makes it sound much more
                                                   coherent than it reads...
Trying to sort out what's going
on in this book is difficult:                      It's a book full of
it looks like there's a tangled                    intriguing jabs in
mess of emotions, a set of                         different directions,
complex maneuvers in                               though decoded and
intellectual posturing...                          summed up I don't think
                                                   it adds up to too much.
Perhaps: Sartre wanted to maintain his
leftist credentials without being                          Marx == cool, but
rejected as a Communist?                                   marxists == dumb.

  Sartre early on became known as
  Mr. Existentialism, and apparently
  spent his life trying to reconcile     Is it supposed to be a
  it with Marxism.                       problem that existentialism
                                         lends itself to radical
  In "In Search of a Method"             individualism, and is hence
  Sartre presents an                     incompatible with any sort
  intellectual history of                of group effort?
  his tribe, placing a lot
  of emphasis on how ideas                    Needless to say, free
  are influenced by social                    individuals can work together
  events, and serve a                         if they want to, without
  purpose in their time...                    abandoning their right to
                                              call themselves individuals.
    He puts so much emphasis on the
    notion that the intellectual                  Is there supposed to be a
    world reflects social events                  contradiction between
    that I began to think that this               the doctrine of implacable
    was an early version of                       historical forces and the
    post-modern disease: the                      existentialist notion of
    assumption that because many                  self-reinvention?  Are you
    things are "social constructs"                free, or are you a product
    everything must be.                           of society, pinned in
                                                  place in you're point in
    But then later        Maybe those             history?
    he complains          were all
    about his             supposed                   Is scientific materialsm
    fellow Marxists       to be                      incompatible with
    losing touch          excuses?                   individual freedom?
    with reality...
                          The Zeitgeist                       FREEWILL
                          made me do it,
                          I know better


          Quoting from page 8 of my paperback edition:

          "Those intellectuals who come after the great
          flowering and who undertake to set the systems in
          order or to use the new methods to conquer territory
          not yet fully explored, those who provide practical
          applications for the theory and employ it as a tool to
          destroy and to construct-- they should not be called
          philosophers.  They cultivate the domain, they take an
          inventory, they erect certain structures there, they
          may even bring about certain internal changes; but
          they still get their nourishment from the living
          thought of the great dead.  They are borne along by
          the crowd on the march, and it is the crowd which
          constitutes their cultureal milieu and their future,
          which determines the field of their investigations,
          and even of their 'creation.'  These _relative_ men I
          propose to call 'ideologists'. " -- Jean-Paul Sartre

          The translator explains that Sartre's word here
          is idéologues. I suspect a more modern
          translation would just drop the accent: ideologues.

             But are the people who build on a
             philosophic foundation just ideologues?
             Why not, for example, scientists?

             But yes, perhaps also scientists:

               On p.35 Sartre states that for "the
               contemporary Marxist" the ideas of
               Marx "_already_ constitute a            So it appears that
               _knowledge_.  We think, on the other    here Sartre is
               hand, that everything remains to be     asserting that
               done; we must find the method and       Marx is the real
               constitute the science."                philosopher and he
                                                       himself is just a
               So which is it?  Does
               philosophy devolve                        And here, he
               into ideology, or                         certainly sounds
               evolve into science?                      like an ideologue.
               Or is he asserting
               some sort of odd
               equation between
               science and ideology?

                         / \
                        /   \
             ideology  o -?- o  science

                                                Later on, in "The
                                                Problem of Mediations", Sartre
                                                appears to be complaining
        Perhaps: his language gets more         about the ideological blinders
        forgiving when he's thinking of         of Marxists-- and it's no
        himself as a member of the set,         longer clear if he regards
        and more critical when he's             himself as one.
        standing outside of it?  You do
        ideology, I do science.                     And indeed, it's
                                                    stunningly clear
                                                    whatever one
         RED_SARTRE                                 thinks of Marx
                                                    that Marxists
                                                    have their
    The initial stance of "In                       problems.
    Search of a Method" looks
    like a justification for                           I was listening to a
    being trendy.  Sartre wants                        recent presentation at
    to be a Marxist just like the    Later he gets     some anarchist gathering
    rest of the cool kids, and       increasingly      where the two speakers
    he's willing to deep six         critical of       kept "proving" their
    existentialism, if that's        the Marxist       points by tracing them
    what it takes.                   scene, to the     back to quotations from
                                     point where       Marx.
      But it could                   the intitially
      be that that's                 favorable         The well-regarded
      unfair.                        remarks seem      Marxist historian
                                     like they're      David Harvey made
        If intellectuals are         intended to       fun of this
        going to work                soften the        tendency: he
        together, how else           blow.             commented that
        is it going to done                            something he was
        except by following          (Perhaps          saying could be
        up on what seems             another           found in "Das
        like the hot ideas?          example of        Kapital" if you
                                     the "circular     looked carefully,
        What else would a            firing squad"     and added a remark
        work produced for            syndrome.)        like "Marxists
        one's own time                                 always like to have
        look like but                                  everything rooted
        "trendy"?                                      in the sacred
        (Or perhaps,
        "reactionary")                                   (A "Democracy Now"
