December 4, 2011
   Google Maps direction finding                   
   has some limitations...                         
     It can handle: "You can                       
     get there from here."                         
     The question of whether you'd really          
     want to go that way is more difficult.        
                                                                 (Mar 14, 2012)
     E.g. public transit directions that try to steer
     you to taking amtrak, which certainly works, and      They seem to have
     it's a fine train service, but they want $15 for      dropped Amtrak from
     a short, one-way hop.                                 their local transit
     e.g. bike transit directions from west oakland           
     to alameda indicate you can cross over by                But that's not 
     riding a bike through the "posey tube"...                a good either--   
                                                              a monthly
          Each side of the posey tube has a very              amtrak ticket 
          narrow, single file sidewalk, and one               can be a great 
          side of it is permanently closed for                commute solution.
          some reason.                                      
          It's a rather frightening, awkward                
          experience to get a bike through there--       I reacted by paying
          you go sailing downhill with barely any        very close attention,
          room between the wall on one side and the      and letting my arm
          railing on the other...  the slightest         brush against the
          distraction and you could clip that            tile wall-- when I
          railing and go flailing against the wall,      got through I found
          if you're lucky, or sent sprawling under       that the sleve of
          the railing and over a steep drop down         my purple shirt had
          into the car traffic.                          turned black from
          You need to come to full stops to let        
          other pedestrians and bikes through              Many people complain
          going the other way.  Myself, I picked           about the air quality
          up my bike and held it on the other              in the Posey Tube;
          side of the railing to make more room.           when I did it I
                                                           lucked out with a
                                                           heavy wind blowing
                                                           through it.
   Some times nodes can be connected,               
   but the connection is weaker, or
   just different in some way, from        In the case of the Posey Tube,
   the usual connections.                  as a bike/pedestrian route,
                                           it really needs some sort of
   A binary yes/no isn't always            warning label attached to it.
                                                    That's how the bike 
   INNER_TUBES       maps on paper handle it.
