July 20, 2010
My great high school mystery novel
project (concieved while I was in
high school, and set in a high school
remarkably similar to my own),
actually went through a number of
evolutionary changes.
Originally I had this odd
spontaneous prose/life game
notion of how to go about it.
But after I gave up on that
(the prose it was generating
wasn't any good) I started doing And actually, there were
some more conventional plotting. some funny twists and turns
the planning stages went
I had a number of characters through, I was experimenting
running around that were with a number of different
supposed to be based on me techniques.
at different ages.
For example, I disliked
I was using working names the way I often got
like "Brenner6", "Brenner7" bogged down in note
and "Brenner9", meaning me taking, and I tried
in sixth grade, seventh limiting myself to a
grade and ninth grade. summary that would fit
on a black board.
The Toadkeeper liked the Names of characters,
working names, suggesting diagrams of
that if I left them that relationships, etc.
way in the finished copy
people would think I was I worked out a method of
"doing something really relationship diagrams:
strange". the links between
characters would be
(He didn't like the black labeled with a circle,
board for some reason... square or heart for
he thought that it meant friend, enemy or lover.
that I "wasn't serious",
but I can't imagine why. More complex relationships
There's no right way to could be graphed with
do these things. A black multiple links and
board makes at least as arrows, e.g:
much sense as Rex Stout's Love in one direction,
bare list of names, for Hatred in the other.
And there was no reason
you couldn't mix symbols:
both a heart and a square
on one of the arrows.
Then I started indicating
weaker relationships with
half symbols, e.g. a half
circle for an acquaintance
rather than a friend.
A "story" then could be
mapped with a sequence of
these diagrams showing
changing relationships...
e.g. unstable romantic
triangles settling down
to two-sided, single
vertex figures (or a
single edge and an
isolated point, or two
three isolated points...)
(Or to a stable
triangle, ala "Design
for Living".)