December 07, 2009
August 28, 2013
Once upon a time, I was enamored
of a technophillic view of human
history I tend to call "promethian".
The story of civilization is the
the story of a rapidly expanding I might have pointed toward
understanding of the material Jerry Pournelle as being the
world co-evolving with rapidly main prophet of the promethian
expanding control of it. for me... though really it was
something I'd absorbed over
Given this world view, you tend years of reading things like
to see all social improvements science fiction, Buckminster
as side-effects of the Fuller, and so on.
technological imperative.
And the Fuller connection
E.g. slavery is banned not because was of course The Whole
of improvements in our morality, Earth Catalog. It always
but because technological changes comes down to Stewart
make it obsolete. Brand, doesn't it?
And if you look at any
current social problem,
you start looking for Just to pick one: I thought the
technological fixes. automatic self-cleaning public toilets
made by that French company sounded
like a great solution when I first
read about them. Willie Brown cut a
deal to get a bunch of them installed
around SF: they're constantly broken,
and broken-into, and used as living
quarters by the local scumzoids.
The hope: find an end
run around seemingly
intractable human
problems by reducing
them to solvable TECHIES_FALLACY
physical ones.
There's a similar appeal
in free market libertarian
ideas: looking for a radical
simplification along with LIBERTY
the radical reduction.