A lot of the stuff I was
listening to in the early
70s seems like precursors
of punk.
Some of it is obvious, like
The Who's "Live at Leeds",
or "The Velvet Underground" David Bowie's
(a "discovery" of mine made "Suffragette City"
only shortly before hearing
of Patti Smith). And "The Fugs"!
Intentionally sloppy,
intentionally rude
There are other (albeit more "gleeful"
examples that than nasty).
wouldn't usually be
recognized as "punk" Consider the
though they seem sound of the
like that to me... track "CIA Man".
For example
John Lennon's
first solo album:
A lot of very stark
hammering on the
piano with lyrics On the other hand, I also
doing a retreat into had an inexplicable
a bleak, tough realism. fondness for very minor
Johnathan Sebastian albums,
so don't take my proto-punk
posing too seriously.
(Remind me to sing
"Rooty-toot Baby"
for you some time,
should this point
need reinforcement.)