November 28, 2001
Rev: April 24, 2011
Once upon a time, on alt.gothic:
There was a discussion
about will and emotion, Una: "If we can choose to
where many people were feel anything we want why
inclined to take the side do so many people choose
that you have no conscious to be miserable?"
control of your emotions.
The trend in responses
Myself, I take the side that seemed to be:
you can develop a fair degree
of control over your emotions "You can't choose to be
if you work at it, and that happy, but you can
the "oh, I am overwhelmed by choose to be miserable."
emotion" schtick is usually a
sign of a kind of laziness, a
A simple thing you can try: Force an
exaggerated smile on your face, see
how you feel. Force an exaggerated
frown on your face, and watch your
feelings. Most people report feeling
a little more up when smiling, a
little more down with the frown.
Hence the irritating self-help advice,
ala "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life".
But just because it's totally
uncool doesn't prove that it's
totally stupid.
The jock culture has come up
with the concept of "psyching
yourself up". They evidently
think they can will themselves So, why would someone choose
into a positive state of mind. to be miserable?
Are they totally deluded?
(1) Some people appear to be drama
McGWIRE addicts. They want their life
to be in a state of soap opera
level turmoil, or else they are
not really living.
(2) Some people seem to be
wired to think that mommy is
going to come over and kiss
them if they cry hard enough.