February 16, 2012
There's a simple geometric
proof that shows that you And by simple, I mean
can't have five-fold *really simple*, I could
crystalline symmetry. look it up and sketch it
out here in a few paragraphs.
In the 80s, then, when
someone succeeded in no fives allowed
producing a material
that showed a five-fold
symmetry in it's Explanations for how this can
diffraction pattern, be are not quite as simple as
that caused some the proof for why it can't;
consternation. myself I would say that the
trouble was we were being
dogmatic about what we meant
I often think of by a "crystal" and nature
quasi-crystals when I doesn't particularly care
start getting dogmatic about that.
about something like
the lightspeed limit, There are 5-fold
or the second law of symmetric penrose
thermodynamics. tilings that don't
show the translational
Violating those uniformity we expect
physical principles from the classic
is impossible... definition of crystals.
no, really, it is.
Or so close to It would seem quasi-crystals
impossible that the are something like that.
"they all laughed
Columbus" crowd
might as well shut
up about it.
But might there be
some little loophole We already know about things
we're missing, some like quantum entanglement:
odd case where there's it's possible to
a tiny (apparent) instantaneously *find out
exception? something* about a place
arbitrarily far away from
where you are... but that's
different from instantaneously
*transmitting information*.
Given "quantum
entanglement", we don't
suddenly throw away
relativity, but we
*do* need to be more
precise about our
definitions in ways that
never mattered before.