June 2, 1992
(Sep 20, 2016)
"Rat3" was a working title for
one of my attempts (from 1985) After reading an anti-technology
at writing fiction. op-ed in an LA newspaper,
I started thinking about a world
I was experimenting with a method: where technological research was
prohibited and driven underground.
(1) Take no notes, except in the
form of story fragments. After a major technical accident,
Congress passed "The Rationality
(2) Avoid reading any other Amendments" or "Rats"; the third
fiction until the story of which made technical research
is finished. illegal, hence the working title:
(3) Avoid working on any other
stories until the current one
is finished.
This solved my typical
problem of procrastination,
But I didn't like the
finished product.
(Nov 26, 2006)
It was a nominally
hard SF story, where some of A funny bit: I wanted to
the technical elements seemed write a story about
like they belonged in different America over-reacting to
eras. E.g. working laser a catastrophe, and I
launchers long before working selected a massive poison
photonics had been developed. gas release in New
Jersey, caused by the
The secondary characters were crash of a space launch
okay, but the main character which had been aiming for
seemed dull and passive. a polar orbit.
His "gradual transformation
of character" was much too When writing it, I was
gradual. afraid it would seem too
much like Bhopal.
Many of the background details
were more interesting than the Then the space shuttle
foreground, and the connection Challenger exploded,
between the two wasn't very and I was afraid it
strong. would seem too much
like that.
Bhopal = 1984
wrote story = 1985 If I wrote it now,
Challenger = 1986 I'd be afraid people
thought I was doing
another 9/11.
In general, the story was (I wish reality
ill-thought out, and it would stop
showed. I avoided I need more acting like
drowning in preparation, confidence in a cheap imitation
but boxed myself in with my fabrications. of a lame SF
something essentially story.)
This approach might have
worked for a different
kind of story, but not
for hard SF.