October 22, 2009
October 9, 2013
An interesting thing about the
Solar Power Satellite idea... POWER_SATS
While I tend to like it,
more typical solar power Or at least, they did tend to
freaks tend to hate it. hate it, back in the 70s when It hasn't gotten
the idea was being discussed. much play in
recent decades,
The original dream of solar power as our horizons
revolved around it's decentralized continue to shrink.
character, it was bound up with a
back-to-nature sentiment of the
hippie era that was only beginning
to fade in the mid-70s.
The average solar power enthusiast I wonder if this attitude
felt deeply disturbed by the idea might shift in the
of large scale, centralized power increasingly New Urban era
facilities like SPS-- it struck we're living in... Cities
them as just another bid to retain are Cool now, and along with
corporate control. that the fear of large
industrial plants might fade.
What you might hope would be
a purely technical question And that old dream of
instead gets settled by what getting out from under
kind of person you are. the big corporations
seems both more
PSYCHSOPHY implausible and perhaps
pointless to most.
But no doubt, one of the (And myself, I'm not so
reasons I favor nuclear happy about that either.)
power is because of my own
social biases.
I used to hang around with
the kinds of phyicists and NUKES
engineers who design and
operate these facilities --
in fact I used to be one.
You just can't make them seem like (Staggeringly slow,
satanic mills to someone like me. inefficient bureaucracies,
on the other hand...)
Technical decisions are often
social decisions in disguise.
Samuel Floriman had a criticism of the
Whole Earth Catalog: it ignored the
large, already established collective FLORID
The Whole Earth Catalog would
tell you how to learn about
something, by say, ordering a "Whole Earth Catalog
book, but it would not ever was basically a
suggest that you should enter Libertarian bible."
into a University program.
--Stewart Brand,
It was important for everything circa mid-naughts.
to be homespun, if not new and
Floriman's take was that
they were assuming that the
"personal trip" is all
that's important,