June 7, 2005
Since the inception of the net, it has
been dominated by anal-retentive weasels (May 2021)
that love to rabidly argue about which
cubby-hole something should be shoved It's reminscient of the
into. behavior of many car
drivers who figure if
Because something can be filed away in there's a bike lane *over
slot B it does not belong in slot A! there*, under no circumstance
should a bike be allowed out
of it-- forget about making
Some real (?) world examples: it over to that left turn
lane, for example.
Because alt.gothic.fashion exists,
it is forbidden to talk about fashion
in alt.gothic.
Because perlmonks.org exists, one
should not review a Perl book on
Because rec.arts.comics.vertigo has been
created, rec.arts.comics.misc must no longer
contain any discussion of the Sandman.
The BALUG mailing list is for technical
questions, not for dicussions of politics...
(not even if someone wants to discuss
Bruce Schneier's talk at the last meeting).