[PREV - KSR_2312]    [TOP]


                                             February 6, 2018
                                             March   20, 2018


Reading KSR's "2312", I couldn't convince myself
that the inter-solar system space travel system
he showed in action actually made any sense...
but I could almost get a sense of what he was thinking.

A typical journey through the solar system involves
taking a space elevator up to orbit, and a short
shuttle trip to an orbital habitat that you ride        INSIDE_OUT_WORLDS
closer to your destination, spending some weeks
cavorting with the locals.

I think the idea is to avoid accelerating the
life-support equipment for a long journey so
instead you travel by hopping on an already
self-sufficient colony in an orbit convenient
to where you want to go.

I'm rusty on orbital mechanics but I
have my doubts the energetics of this
actually works.

These habitats would have to be on
very elliptical orbits and you'd need          In these orbits, they'd be
quite a few of them to always have one         subjected to large variations
conveniently going your way.                   in sunlight: there has to be
                                               a really good reason to want
                                               to do this.

