Soft Roles vs Hard Roles?
This was Elizabeth Hand,
"Distant Fingers" column
Someone in S.F. EYE "Women Visionaries for
once again revives the the _Fin-de-Millenaire_"
familar complaint: Too _Science Fiction Eye #8_
many female characters
are poorly translated
male characters. "Men
with tits." Just like Does the converse problem
male characters except ever occur? "Women with dicks"?
for names, appearence.
But this is the unisexual
ideal in play, right?
All gender differences
are cultural. And if we Why? Because some people Any characteristic
strive to eliminate them, find them restrictive, presumed universal
any mildly utopian oppressive. oppresses the
future must presume exceptions.
a move in that direction.
To write otherwise WEIRD
presumes an
alternative theory
about what men and
women are, and about
why they are that
way, and a guess
about how these
things might change.
This is a possibility:
Pick some other theories to look at.
Begin with this idea I lifted
from Anthropology 101: sex How about the Camile Paglia notion
roles are universal, but of women as the font of the
their precise meanings are irrational, whose natural province
not. In a few cultures, the is all things not scientific. Woman
things we call feminine are as intuitive.
associated with men, and the
"masculine" with women. But Where does that lead?
everyone makes _a_
distinction, just not always PAGLITE
_our_ distinction.
To me this suggests the This is a severely
postulate that there is offensive idea to
an inbuilt need for a 70s style feminist.
gender differentiated I had one compare
social roles. me to the Nazis since
they also used "anthropology"
to back up their racial
Is there a positive way
to deal with this?
Consider transvestites...
What if anyone was free
to choose either role
regardless of physical TRANS