There are some rules that a
DJ has to follow in putting
a show together. They're
not very restrictive at KZSU
compared to most stations,
but still they're there:
External restrictions: Internal Restrictions:
The FCC requires a legal ID You need to do a promotional
("KZSU, Stanford") once an announcement for some other
hour, and some Public show at KZSU once an hour.
Service Announcements (twice
an hour at KZSU). Music DJs are required to
play a certain number of
There are other FCC cuts out of the "A-file"
requirements such as, no roughly 10 per show.
long passages of dead air.
Many people are often
And there are the infamous surprised to hear this,
restrictions on the but then they're also
"indecent" and the often surprised to hear
"obscene". "Indecent" that for commercial stations
expressions are allowed late the restrictions are much
at night, but "obscene" tighter.
material is in *never*
allowed. Who controls what gets put
in the A-file? The final
How these ridiculous polices authority is the judgement
are in any way consistent of the directors of the
with the First Ammendment is music department, though
beyond me. The intellectual they rely a lot on the
gyrations involved have to judgement of first string
do with the supposed music reviewers, and have a
physically limited character tradition of responding to
of the broadcast spectrum, the opinions of DJs that
which therefore justifies care enough about a
the governent's intervention difference of opinion to
to make sure that what is argue the case.
there is used well.
The A-file is huge, most of
A seriously evil philosophy. what it contains genuinely
We're lucky it hasn't been does seem to be quite
applied more rigorously. excellent, and it's rare
that this restriction ever
chafes. In effect, complying
with it is just making a
commitment to keep up with
good, new music.