The first argument I heard against
splitting a show into 45 minute long

   Come on, this sounds like public TV           No, I have no idea
   What are you doing, telling people            what he has against
   to tune out and come back when the            public TV.
   messages are over?
                                                 His point seemed surprisingly
This wasn't the last time I                      like something you'd
ran into things like this.                       expect to hear at a
Despite the great appearence                     commercial station.
of infinite freedom, there are
some real restrictions on what                   But then, DJ training
a DJ can do, and MANY people                     in general at KZSU had
around who feel the need to                      a surprising emphasis
tell the DJs what they should                    on things I associated
do.                                              with commercial stations:
                                                 doing tight segues,
                                                 avoiding dead air,
The first time I did a 45 minute                 sounding professional, etc.
set, my show happened to be        
formally reviewed by the staff at KZSU              I never would have
One of my reviewers hated                           guessed from just
the idea of doing a 45 minute set.                  listening to the
He figured it was too long to go                    station.
without doing a station ID.        
I put up a spirited defense of what
I was doing and why, and I was left
alone or even encouraged to keep
going after that.

Which may say something about my
perception that there are Hidden
Rules at work in places like KZSU.
The hidden rules can be
circumvented, you just have to be
willing to stand up for what you're
