May  9, 2023
                                                               May 20, 2023
About "Search: WWW (2019)":                  

  On this reviewing I'm impressed by the style of direction
  used for the first half or so of the opening episode--
  and now I'm wondering at what point the visuals change--       There's no
  there's a style of close-up, shot from a little distance       hard transition
  away, but with a very shallow field of focus,                  away from this
                                                                 look, it comes
      A typical shot: a woman sitting at her desk, viewed        back occasion-
      from the front, just below the level of the desk,          ally.
      looking past some items set up on the edge of the
      desk.  The edge of the desk and the things on it           At the end of
      are all blured, as is the window blinds in the             the second
      background.  Her face floats in a strange world            episode there's
      without hard eges.                                         a three-way
                                                                 face off, and
                                                                 for each side
                                                                 of the triangle,
                                                                 the camera looks
                                                                 along the edge
                                                                 with first one
                                                                 corner in focus,
  I'm also impressed with how *tight* the writing                then the other.
  is, every thing ties together really tightly.
  When she's testifying before Congress, she leads        Throughout, in the
  up to the phrase "That, is the Internet", and           dramatic scenes the
  what she's doing is quoting the Congressman             camera gets in a
  she's talking to, he's used that line before            little closer than
  when arguing with her privately.  She takes him         typical, canted at
  down with evidence that he was soliciting               an angle...  with
  underage girls some years ago, and that's not           some of the unsteady
  *entirely* a distraction ploy, though she               hand-held look
  doesn't tie it up explicitly: she's made an             that's commonly used
  accusation, now people are searching on the             to indicate
  subject, and it shows up in the list of popular         tumultous emotions
  keywords.  Should they go with an                       in kdrama.
  innocent-until-proven-guilty logic, and delete
  these keywords, or should they reason the               Yes: this director's
  Congressman is a public figure that people have         style, on this
  a right to know about?  If they decide to shield        project at least,
  him on the theory he *might* be innocent, then          involves manipulating
  they're doing pretty much what the Congressman          the focal field,
  is complaining about, when her boss (for what           he reuses these
  really were sleazy political reasons) deleted           tricks repeatedly,
  references to a Presidential candidates                 e.g. showing you two
  adultery.                                               things, and clicking
                                                          from one to the other
  Then there's the fact that in her own personal          by suddenly moving
  life, *she's* getting involved with a younger guy       the focus.
  in spite of herself: when she asks him "How old
  are you?" he responds "I'm not under-age."              And that trick of
                                                          framing a face with
  Even the accidental re-meeting, where just by           an out-of-focus
  chance the guy she regards as an embarassing            foreground and
  druken one-night has shown up at her workplace--        background-- isn't
  even that doesn't feel like a stretch.  They're         that used
  in the same industy, they met playing a computer        partiuclarly with
  game in a cafe-- a likely obsession of people in        that *one*
  the computer biz, and the fact that it all              character-- a woman
  happens in the *first* episode makes it feel            who's become
  like the premise of the story.                          unmoored, who lost
                                                          contact with her
                                                          ideals and dreams and
                                                          is so compromised she
                                                          fantatsizes about
                                                          just disappearing...

Tom wrote (Jan 01 2023):

  "...  the camera work was very frustrating. The
  blurring around the edges and using obstructions
  to block part of the scene. I believe the
  director wanted some sort of award, but it just
  made watching the series very difficult and
  (again) frustrating at least for me."

It's true that you sometimes see creators trying
to be fancy and show off when they'd be better
off just playing it straight and doing the
obvious thing in the obvious way.

    But I feel exactly the opposite about this
    particular case: the unusual direction wasn't
    particularly intruisive, and when I did start
    paying attention to the tricks, the tricks made
    a lot of sense to me.
