May 9, 2023
"Search: WWW" is an excellent
kdrama, but not perfect.
Some of the internet industry SPOILERS
maneuvering makes perfect sense,
in other areas it seems forced:
Could Unicon *afford* to fire Ta Mi?
They may regard her as an annoyance,
but people at large regard her as a
hero. It would be big news when she
switched companies, instead they act
like no one has noticed.
More likely: they would let it ride
and posture about standing by her,
but trump a reason to fire her later,
if necessary, engineering a smear
campaign as cover.
In episode 3, they're doing an ad
video in a hurry, and are thrown off
track at the last moment, when the The contract hadn't
opposition steals away they're been signed yet
starring celebrity-- because they were
rushing so much--
They miss an obvious trick here: that part I find
they *have* a celebrity, Bae Ta Mi entirely believable.
herself. Their slogan is: "Barro
is instant". There's a clip of
Bae Ta Mi that keeps running in
the news: "Did you see that? It could be that I'm missing
That, sir, is the internet." some aspects of Korean culture
here: are they more adverse to
Tie the two together: celebrity, perhaps because the
nature of it is more insane over
"Barro is instant." there, or because they're a
cut to Ta Mi's face: little less "individualistic"?
"That is the internet."
It would certainly be an issue
If anyone wasn't aware that whether Ta Mi is allowed to
Ta Mi had been fired and hired play the face of the company--
by Barro, that would rub she's a recent hire, however
everyone's noses in it. famous, and not the CEO.
And in any case, letting Ta Mi
receed from the spolight a
little is needed for the
plot-- later she's going to be
distressed at being thrust
back into it again.