May 11, 2023
There's an element of the internet
portal business in South Korea,
at least as depicted in "Search: WWW", SEARCH_WWW
that pervades the show, it's evidently
the obsession of everyone in the industry
and much of the country:
The keyword search ranking.
And further, anyone who's paying
Now, in the United States, it is possible attention understands that those
to get some data on what's being searched rankings are based on filtered
at a place like Google, you occasionally and processed data-- from the
hear (or used to hear) about the top beginning Google has used a
searches that are trending as a clue to display of a dynamic sampling of
the zeitgeist. It's not like no one here what's being searched at the
cares about popularity rankings. moment (supposedly) as a
side-show attraction when doing
But-- if you're to believe what we public presentations, but anyone
see in "Search: WWW"-- people in who knows anything knows that
Korea care *tremendously* about these have been sanitized: no sex
being up on what everyone else allowed.
cares about, having your name at
the top of the keyword search list
is a curse as everyone in the
country wonders why your name is
there, and continues searching on
it, and nothing you can do will get
you out from under the intense
light focused on you by this
magnifying lens.
But, the fact that this is all Only one answer: they fold the
circularly defined seems to me click data from using the
like it would undercut the "keyword" list into the stats.
keyword search ranking as a
popularity stat-- that top ten But they don't *have* to do
ranking is in everyone's faces, this-- and wouldn't you want
featured on the front page of them separated? Someone who
the portals-- if everyone finds cares enough to initate a new
out about things just by search, and someone who's just
following those links, then trend following belong in
they'd stop typing terms into different rankings, provided
the search boxes. you're interested in
understanding popularity as a
phenomena, and not just
blindly running with the pack.
But this difference between them and us
is very much a matter of degree.
If you *don't* want to be
Google may not put a top ten list on steered in the same
it's front page, but you get steered direction as everyone
back to the popular by the keyword else, web searches feel
autocomplete features and the ranking increasingly useless.
of the results.
What would you do if
you *wanted* to do
"original research"
Is there something you
should know about that most
people aren't talking
about? (Or: aren't talking
about yet?)
How would you find it?
The limited capacity of our
attention span is a subject
constantly under attention.
Distraction is a well-known Stepping through
weaponized tactic: manipulating the basics of
the attention span by supplying distraction was
a substitute to focus on... intended to be
an introduction
to another thought,
Perhaps even more common is the something connected
accusation that "this is just a to the question
*distraction*", an attempt at "how would you find
steering the discourse directly it?"
(perhaps by indirectly accusing
someone else of trying to steer it). I don't remember
what it was...
it seems I was