March 6, 2018

A few recent animes from the winter                        MENAGE_EXISTENCE
2018 season that I've started
following: both of them "second              "Second seasons" are actually
seasons" where I needed to back-up and       quite rare in this realm...
finish watching the first seasons--          the rule now is "one and done".

"Hitori no Shita-The Outcast":


A shonen tale of a young super-warrior coming into his own,
who-- at the outset at least-- is also a horny-young
virgin schlemiel, very familiar from the incessant teen
not-quite-sex comedies.

"Dagashi Kashi":


"Dagashi Kashi" is an unabashed tribute to weird-ass
Japanese candy of various sorts-- a typical episode
focuses on deranged lectures about different "dagashi",
always complete with brand-names and loving closeups on
the packaging.

   Here in the states, some of use look askance
   at "product tie-ins" as rank commercialism           OTAKU_REBELS
   compromising the artistic impulse... the
   Japanese have no such reservations.
