August 30, 2012
Rev: September 5, 2012
One view of the Otaku is that
they're essentially drop-outs:
they see no point in struggling It's an interesting thought
for Success-- or are unable to that the increasing
believe in it as a possibility-- strangeness of Japanese pop
and retreat to a life of minimal culture is a result of it's
material prosperity, engaged "lost decade" of extended
solely with worlds of imagination, economic doldrums.
game playing, etc.
And whither the
They are not anti-materialistic United States?
by any means, but they are not
materialistic in the approved
"normal" way...
The otaku, then,
is a beatnik of
consumerism. Edonian hedonists, residents of
the latter day floating world. OTAKU_CONSUMED
From Scialabba's article on
Dwight Macdonald, p.46: SCIALABBA
"An increase in scale does not always entail reductiveness:
one effect of the best of mass culture is to trace or
forge the connections among the unprecedentedly diverse
experiences of its experience, however fleeting, of so
enormous a community is visionary and exalting. When they
fail, they can retreat into an irony that thrives in the
vast range and dense detail of American consumer culture."