August 4, 2002

  Why finish reading a book you hate?

  Presumably you do it so you have
  the right to complain about it.

  Me, I just finished reading a Charlie             
  Chan novel written in 1926 ("The Chinese       This is the second           
  Parrot" by Earl Derr Biggers), even            in the series.    
  though I found it a huge drag.                            
  The broad outline of the solution to
  the "mystery" was pretty clear in the
  first few chapters; after which the
  main characters begin stalling
  around, stubbornly refusing to
  consider what is really a pretty
  obvious possiblity.

  At the outset of the story,
  there were a few points of       Some remarks about
  interest:                        San Francisco...

      Charlie Chan's character:         ((fill them in?))
      we're used to thinking of
      him as a burlesque, but
      Biggers clearly took him

                           But I'd say the main reason
                           that I finished reading this
                           is to secure my rights to
                           complain about it.
