May 9, 2007
June 10, 2007
When Bassara sings, a
compartment slides
open over the symbolic It takes some good
mouth of his powered amplifiers to punch But actually the
armor. through a vacuum, eh? writers aren't as
crazy as
When Mylene sings, on that... when in
the front of her pink vacuum, Bassara
powered armor two round fires "speaker pods"
compartments open over that penetrate
the symbolic tits. And if you want to hulls.
end war and stuff,
it takes some major (Why they aren't
mammaries. blocked/dodged
like regular
missles isn't
"Growing emotions are aerodynamic/ explained.)
My charging heart of love..."
The members of Sound
Force fly modified ("Sound Force" is the
fighters ("Valkyrie"s), name of the combat
with flight controls unit. The band is
built-into the necks of called "Fire Bomber".)
their guitars
(Or rather, guitar-like synthesizers).
If you watch the opening
sequence of the show closely,
you can see the way Basarra's The graphic style
body movements translate into there is very inter-
the motion of his Valkyrie: esting: you see
Bassara superimposed,
He's making the time-honored floating in front of
moves of the rock n' roll the three storey tall
guitar hero -- but instead armor he's controling.
of just dancing for the
crowd, he's driving a I've seen similar
spaceship: his guitar neck approaches taken in
doubles as a joy-stick. manga porn. They use
the tricks of blueprint
drafting to get across
Strange that no an idea: cut-away
one ever seems to diagrams of bodies that
transduce those show exactly where those
moves into sound... dildos are reaching, or
why not control views of a woman having
your filters with sex where the male body
guitar attitude involved has become
instead of transparent, so you can
foot switches? she precisely how her
genitals are stretched.
This is a genre reeking
of inferority complexes,
even more so than it's SUPERHERO
American counter-parts.
They think of themselves
as a "small race", and
hence fantasize about
exo-skeletal armor that
transforms them into
powerful, dancing giants.
They hold their own
"racial background" in
contempt, and tell And here we have (yet
endless tales of big-eyed, another) giggling,
blond-haired heroes... innocent little girl
heroine who seems (She's supposed
like she's around to be all of 14.)
eleven years old.