February 5, 2010
If you skip Judge Posner's rather
arbitrary judgements, The unique
material that remains in Posner's
"Public Intellectuals: A Study of
Decline" is:
(A) a relatively large list of "intellectuals"
(B) a ranking of them by popularity,
(essentially via citation stats).
This is an attempt at putting a normally entirely
subjective critical process on a more objective basis.
It's a very weak attempt in
many respects. The initial
list can be criticized on Including too many people:
many grounds... Power brokers like
Henry Kissinger compete
with arguably more
authentic intellectuals
such as Noam Chomsky.
Excluding too many people:
people with unusual backgrounds
are skipped: John Lennon, Bono,
Rush Limbaugh, Werner Earhardt...
Worse: surveying major media sources
for names dropped is fundamentally a
popularity contest, and it seems On the other hand if you
profoundly uninteresting if what aspire to riches and
you're interested in is truth rather fame, you might look
than influence. through the list and
launch attacks on nearly
So: how might one improve all of them, in hopes of
on this proceedure? provoking lots of
responses: instant notoriety.
A few general
approaches occur TRAITORS_OF_INTELLECT
to me:
Use the network of
references to evaluate A difficulty: you must be
the significance of one able to distinguish between
intellectual in terms approval and approbation.
of another. Counting name drops alone
is not adequate.
Citation counts seem
rather crude in the
post-PageRank era.
Can this be done dynamically?
Given different initial "If you like Paul Krugman,
assumptions? Noam Chomsky, Jane Jacobs,
and Bruce Sterling, you may
also like...."
Use third parties organizations
(such as FAIR, AIM, factcheck.org, etc.)
to evaluate quality of output:
Factual accuracy
Accuracy of predictions Posner has a section
where he talks about
Ideological classification? that, but proposes
no way of formalizing
the "keeping score"
on predictions.
It may be possible to combine the
two: Use one agency's approvals
to seed the process, analyze the
graph to rank others they don't
What will not work:
A wide-open social network, wisdom-of-the-
crowds approach without anything like THE_TOY_WEB
verification of the identity of sources.