June 17, 2006
Some notes on a few peculiarities of
an early Shadow novel, "The Shadow I believe this is the
Laughs", originally published in third in the series,
October 1931.
A film of the same
title appeared in
There's a very odd conceit that the Shadow 1933, but there's
exists in the same universe that has the absolutely no
radio show; the Shadow himself has been relation.
appearing in the studio as himself...
The other peculiarity is Chapter VII,
"Lamont Cranston Talks to Himself"
Here it is revealed (?) that there's
another layer to the secret of the
Shadow's identity. He is not actually
Lamont Cranston, that's just an identity
that he's stolen.
The real Lamont Cranston returns home while
The Shadow has been using his identity, and
The Shadow essentially orders him to get
lost for awhile. Cranston objects
(strangely enough) and the Shadow threatens
to have Cranston himself arrested as an
imposter if he tries to report The Shadow.
Cranston -- for god knows what reason --
decides that this Shadow dude is a good
fellow, and Cranston might as well give
in and disappear and let the Shadow
continue with whatever he's up to. And not incidentally,
leaving the Shadow in
charge of Cranston's
finances... The Shadow
"I have come to advise you," came the makes it abundantly
whisper. "you must leave here for clear that he can forge
a while. For a month at least. I Cranston's name on
recommend a trip to Europe. Sea air checks, rummage around
is very healthy at this season. You in his safe deposit
will go tomorrow." boxes, and so on.
"Will you obey my orders?" asked the voice
from the foot of the bed.
"No!" exclaimed the millionaire.
The figure laughed mirthlessly, and
Lamont Cranston shuddered.
-- p. 30
"Some people call me The Shadow.
"That is but one identity. I have other
personalities that I assume, as easily as
I don my black cloak and hat.
"One of my personalities is that of
Lamont Cranston.
"In the past, I have used it while you
were away. At present, I choose to use
it now. It would be embarassing for both
of us to be here. So you must go."
-- p. 30-31
Then he looked at his visitor and laughed.
The humor of the situation began to appeal to him.
-- p. 32
"I don't know your purpose, or what you intend to
do; but I wish you the best of luck."
-- p. 33