June 14, 2011
Dreyfus & Kelly discuss a Ted talk by
a writer named Elizabeth Gilbert. She Elizabeth Gilbert is the
discusses the psychological burden on author of "Eat Pray Love",
a writer trying to succeed again, and which was made into a movie
argues that the older view of being where Julia Roberts rides a
receptive to the Muses is a saner way bicycle through Ubud with a
of approaching things, and makes about beatific expression on her
as much sense as anything else. face (miraculously, undrenched
in sweat and uneaten by
From Dreyfus & Kelly, p. 56,
"David Foster Wallace's Nihilism":
"But there are disadvantages to Gilbert's pure
receptivity view as well. For if the poem is
a purely external force that rumbles through
us-- if the sacred and the divine and the
meaningful can't be earned but depend on God's
inscrutable grace-- then this receptive view
is just as incapacitating as Wallace's kind of By "Nietzschean
Nietzschean nihilism. Whereas Wallace gives nihilism"
us an unachievable task, Gilbert gives us no they mean
task at all." existential
Dreyfus & Kelly are reacting to
a very short Ted lecture by SHINING_EXISTENTIALISM
Elizabeth Gilbert and it's easy
enough for most of you to go
listen to it yourselves.
There's an mp4 download:
And a summary over at Wired:
I don't think Dreyfus & Kelly
have fairly represented what Actually it's Dreyfus & Kelly's
Elizabeth Gilbert was saying that push passivity (p.221):
"There is no _reason_ why one
"On her [ Gilbert's ] ought to hear or respond to
account we are purely the call of the gods: callings
passive recipients of God's just demand to be heard and
divine will, nothing but obeyed."
receptacles for the grace he
may choose to offer. Is SHINING_FASCISTS
there anything in between?"
She does not advise passively awaiting
inspiration, in fact she's saying that
you're better off if you forget about Ala Laurence Olivier's
being Inspired and just buckle-down advice to Dustin Hoffman:
and do the work. "Never try to be great.
Just play the scene."
Elizabeth Gilbert presents a point she
attributes to Tom Waits: you can talk
back to your muses, tell them to get
lost when you're not ready for them. Gilbert:
I.e. you're not their slave. "Don't be afraid,
don't be daunted,
She talks of creativity as a just do your job."
"... collaboration and
conversation between Tom
and the strange external [ref]
genius that was not Tom"
I would say that Elizabeth
Gilbert is essentially
talking about is a set of
mental dodges, where you
map internal qualities to
external agencies that you
on some level really do
know aren't really there.
If you drop the mystical
and romantic claptrap
and just look at what
you really are, things
like "the muses" or "the
grace of god" have to be
taken as a kind of
short-hand, as aliases THOUGHT_ACTION_DISCONNECT
for complex phenomena.
Then there are some concrete
things you can say to a writer:
you need to write for others, Though sometimes
and you need to write from "yourself" can be
others. an alias for
"the other".
And if writing is a matter
of communication, then you
need to know something to
Writing then is not central.
"Being A Writer" may be
besides the point.
Being someone who has
something to write is key.