June 12, 2011
Dreyfus and Kelly lead off celebrating a
moment of unthinking, spontaneous
heroism; then immediately back up and
insist that they don't want to encourage
fantasies of being a Man of Confidence
who can do no wrong... but doesn't the DANGEROUS_IDEAS
one immediately lead to the other?
If self-conscious reflection is not
the antidote to fanatic certainty, They also make the point
then what is? that we must avoid the
false joys of addiction.
So if the whoosh of
"white light/white heat"
is your fave, that
doesn't count.
Apparently, coffee
is okay, though.
A familiar exception.
Interestingly enough,
they make a point of
citing "blogging" as
addictive behavior.
But then, can't one
be addicted to
watching football?
They repeatedly draw
lines arbitrarily
wherever it just
seems right to them.
(But then, they *are*