June 19, 1992
A Sturgeon story that I read long
ago called "Slow Sculpture", uses
raising Banzai trees as a metaphor
to propose another way of thinking
besides "being in control"/"being
The owners of Banzai's are more
properly called companions. In
rasing a banzai tree, you
imagine a goal, and try to
encourage the tree to move in
that direction. And it does
indeed respond, but usually in
a way you hadn't quite So, a question like
imagined. So you get new "What factors in my life
ideas, and imagine a new are under my control?"
goal... The point being that should be transformed into...?
you don't just influence the
tree, the tree influences you. What can I influence?
What influences me?
Sturgeon's point, is that two people And what's the
living together grow together in intersection of the
much the same way. two sets.
But how is a person living alone CIRCLES
any different?
"You" have an idea of what
"You" should be like, and
"You" make an effort to
encourage yourself to
change in that direction...
Here the feedback loop is
closed even more tightly. So why is the sculpture so slow?
Knots must exist in the loops.
I think it's clear Self-reinforcing problems. KNOTS
that the usual
language like "You One way out:
must control Subdivide the self.
yourself" is a The super-ego must
mess of unexamined SELF control the id.
assumptions. Morton Rigor must MANIACS
control Nunzio Nasuno.
What are the
other ways out?