September 22, 2019
I tried telling this
anecdote the other day,
One day, I was once out in the early and judging from the
evening, walking briskly up Valencia incomprehending
street in SF. I was in an an upbeat mood reactions I think I
and when something struck me as funny I flubbed it completely,
made a comment on it to the person on the so let me try again.
sidewalk in front of me, who was also
looking in that direction: there were two Of course, it
SUVs stopped honking furiously at each could be the
other near the Elbow Room-- I think one trouble isn't in
was backing out of the alley, and the the telling...
other driver didn't appreciate having to
wait. My amused, incisive remark was
something along the lines of "Somehow I
don't have any sympathy for either of
The woman I spoke to looked over her
shoulder-- neither of us slowed or broke
ranks, we were both walking pretty fast,
at the same speed-- she gave me a level,
expressionless gaze for just long enough
to let me know I was being dismissed-- I
suddenly thought "wait, did she think I
was coming on to her?" I don't think I
was-- but on the other hand if it wasn't I don't really have much of a
this wasn't a nice-looking blond woman, track record on this, it's
maybe I wouldn't have said anything? unusual for me to be in such an
expansive mood that I'll say
Then we both turned at nearly something random to strangers.
the same moment, making a left
into the Modern Times bookstore. It is perhaps a problem that
I sat down in the audience and San Francisco seems to
she stepped up onto the stage: attract freaks that insist on
this was Rebecca Solnit, the declaiming their opinons on
author I was going out to see everything to anyone around.
that evening. I may have come off as just
one of Those Guys.
And that's supposed to be the
funny part: it's something of an
achievement to be put in one's
place by Rebecca Solnit herself. This was around the
time "Hope in the
Darkness" had just
been published:
Somewhat randomly, I'd
heard her do a radio
appearence about it--
I then went by Modern
Times looking for the
book, and I was so puzzled
that I couldn't find it
there-- it seemed like a
Modern Times kind-of
book-- that I asked the
staff: they pointed at the
gigantic display for the
book that was up front, to
announce this upcoming
author appearence.