October 08, 2016

A number of Charlie Chan movies are up on youtube,
such as the 1935 film "Charlie Chan in Egypt":

This is a truly amazing film, a cavalcade of       
ethnic stereotype: in the opening scenes, we         As pointed out by
have Warner Oland doing his broken version of        Yunte Huang in
Chinese broken english, an Arabic dude in a          "Charlie Chan" (2010)
fez leading a camel around, and the comic          
black side-kick role played by Stepin Fetchit.     
   And Stepin Fetchit is positively brilliant.
   The other guys on stage are acting, Stepin
   Fetchit is *being*... he's the only one of
   three that seems completely authentic.
   He reminds me of guys I've met hanging
   around in Oakland...                
       I've heard that he described his
       concept of this role as "a lazy man
       with a soul", and that covers it

       You have to wonder what an actor like this
       could've done in a Hollywood that allowed
       a black actor more scope.
