January  1-18, 2005

  The high/low distinction can be attacked
  in many ways.  Is Homer higher than
  Superman?  Well perhaps, but then Homer
  was once a popular art, even as Superman
  is (was?) a popular art.  Homer is now
  claimed by the high culture only in part
  because of it's quality, much of it is a
  result of it's antiquity.

     Just as bad art can become
     quaint and "campy" with the
     passage of time?                          ROUGHLY_READ

     Just as unpopular art can
     rise in popularity --
                       "It's a Wonderful Life"   
                       flopped when released into
                       it's own cyncial age.     
                       Our cynical age now likes 
                       to use it as evidence of  
                       a gentler time that       
                       didn't really exist.      