January 18, 2005
There's a serious flaw here:
I'm writing in a mode which
is serious, and only serious.
I really do enjoy things,
like, say, Japanese pop
culture, even the stuff
that would be hard to And the
defend as good. Republic
Robot! Ah...
I'm clearly being too harsh on MYSTERIOUS_DOCTOR_SATAN
Sontag's notions about Camp...
for all that they make me
uncomfortable, her observations
describe my own reactions quite
But try this example:
"The Rocky Horror Picture Show":
Mere camp, or worse, "camping"?
But this is *literally* a cult
movie, it became an object of
worship, the center of a
dionysian subculture.
This is the characteristic
that I think is missing from
Sontag's analysis:
Art often functions in
an odd in-between,
sort of way.
Heavy and light,
serious and camp,
central and frivolous...
It flip flops depending
on how you look at it. Trivial or
Cliched or Is it irrelevant
archetypal? to the real business
Style should of living, or is
never be used it central to it, the
as an excuse driving purpose
to avoid behind it?
Fear of being labeled
pretentious should never
drive you from wisdom.
Fear of being labeled
shallow should never
be a barrier to joy.