August 7, 2010
September 8, 2013
The topic(s?) at hand:
The title is from T.S.
The history of the Elliot's "Gerontion"
idea of history; ("After such knowledge,
what forgiveness?")
The history of the
idea that science My alternate ideas for
should be conscious (But there titles were "whispering
of public policy isn't very ambitions" "cunning
much of this passages" and "contrived
in what corridors".
(There is of course,
no hope for someone
who's started quoting
Frank Gavin, gave a
talk at the long now
on "Five Ways to Use Perhaps his most valuable
History Well". suggestion: historians may We got nothing to fear
help put over the message but fear itself, and
"Don't freak out". that means we're in
deep shit.
The phrase "Applied History"
comes up periodically:
But consider what
"applied economics" has Though you could make the case
done for economics... that history has always had this
problem: biased by nationalisms,
Abstract disciplines seem manipulated to support hegemonies...
useless as long as they
remain abstract, but once
applied, there's a
potential corruption there. Even if there really
is no such corruption
When the scientist going on, just the
has foreknowledge of fear that it might be
the "correct outcome", complicates the situation.
there are many ways
the experiment can be In the worse case,
biased. the attempt at being
relevant to policy
Our usual hope is that while each decisions can prevent
individual scientist may have any relevance.
biases (you may feel a committment
to a certain outcome because it's You can run into
the one you've spent your career the bullshit filters
predicting), in science as a whole, people often use
the individual biases will cancel rather than engaging
out, they will counterbalance each with the argument.
There's a potential breakdown
in this process, a nightmare
What if there's a bias widely
shared by the entire culture
of researchers? It becomes Even the appearence of a
entirely possible that with possibility that they might
the best of intentions, they be doing this can be used
will rig the results (whether against them by competing
unconsciously or consciously). propaganda machines.
If you're going to rely on
different viewpoints fighting
it out, then you *need* different
viewpoints; there's a risk that This is an interesting point
a wide-spread consensus may act because usually I think we
as a hive mind, a self talking would say consensus is the
to itself, debating nothing of goal: "nearly all scientists
consequence. agree that--".
So... there's
a need for heretics...
When human intention corrupts
(or can corrupt) the process of THE_HERETIC
achieving the end... then what UNINTENDED
do you do?
Throwing up your hands
isn't an option.
In practice, we're all stuck
trying to find a way to dance
through these potential traps, striving, engaged desire
living with contradictions when
we can't live otherwise. vs
Science may get us through, a neutral, objective
but getting science through professionalism
isn't a science.